Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nut allergy...who would've thought?

Let me start of by saying I am SO grateful for my kiddos!

BEYOND grateful!

We have an insane crazy life. But it's our life, and we love it...most of the time. 

Now we are embarking on a new journey, a new path on this road of special needs. One I would have never imagined. 

But here we are. 

It all started just over a week ago. Nana came over and, oh so lovingly, gave James a banana nut muffin. 

Nobody thought anything of it. 

It was maybe 10 min later he started scratching his tongue with his fingers. It was weird, but we didn't *really* think too much of it. He had his shirt off, and I saw a couple hives. I thought it was the dog, which we know he has an allergy to. (We're in the process of trying to find our dog a new home)

I saw the hives, so I gave him benadryl and put some hydro-cortisone cream on him. 

He only got worse. 

And FAST. 

I finally decided to put him in the bath to wash the "dog" off of him. As soon as I stood up and grabbed his hand, he threw up everywhere. So, I put him in the tub, and he just continued to scream. This kid is obsessed with baths. He was in there maybe 5 minutes. 

We got him out, then I found the oatmeal bath I had in the cupboard. I decided to put him back in with that in the water. It maybe lasted another 5 minutes, if that. As we were getting him out of the tub again, I saw his lips were turning blue! 

Terrified me! 

An ambulance was called and they gave him a shot and rushed him to the ER. 

This photo was taken right as we were leaving my house. It breaks my heart looking at this to this day.

This was one of the scariest mommy moments I've EVER had. This kid sure gives me his fair share of scary moments. He's always full of surprises!

While we were waiting for all the meds to work, they took some x-rays to make sure his lungs and airways were ok. 
As they were taking the x-rays, they asked me if he had a button on him somewhere. The answer was no, obviously. So then the techs asked if he could have swallowed a penny? My answer was, "I wouldn't be surprised". 

Sure enough! The kid had swallowed a penny!

It only took 5 days for him to "pass" the penny. We are extremely blessed that it didn't do any damage, as there was a big potential for it to get caught in different places. 

We were only in the ER for a few hours. It could have definitely been worse. 


The next day was a day full of more Dr appointments. We had just seen the allergist a couple weeks before, and they tested him for environmental allergies. Which he ended up with quite a few of them. But he wasn't tested for any food allergies. 

After seeing the allergist on that following visit, he ordered a huge panel of blood work. He diagnosed him with walnut, and most tree nut allergies. He's not allergic to peanuts, but it's looking like it might be every other yummy nut we love. 

He wrote a prescription for 4 epi-pens. One for school, home, mommy's purse and an extra one just in case we need more than one on any given reaction. 

The blood work was done last Thursday. The results aren't back to his Dr yet. Until we know for sure which nuts are the culprit, we are banning ALL nuts around him. 

When all is said and done, he ended up being ok. We just have a different world we will learn to explore. 

It's a tough world.

A scary world.

But we will take it one day at a time. One thing being a special needs mom after all this time is, I've learned to do that. 


Just take ONE day at a TIME! 

That's all we can do. We will dive into this new way of life like we've done 4 times before. This is just one more thing to make my kids SPECIAL!! 

I wouldn't change that feeling. My kids are indeed, SPECIAL. 



  1. Yes, they are all special! And I love all of them to pieces!!!

  2. It still breaks my heart that I am the one that put my sweet baby James through such am ordeal. :(

    1. STOP!! It would've happened some other time!! Just glad it was at home and not when someone else was watching him!

  3. Wait, did I read it wrong? Did you son swallow a penny right before finding out he was allergic to nuts? Geeze, poor guy! I'm sure you were so scared. Nut allergies can be really scary.

    1. No, you're right! That's what happened. We didn't have a clue about the penny until they took the X-ray to check his lungs and airway. Which to be honest, wasn't as surprising as it should have been. This kid gives us a run for our money!

  4. Like everything else you do, I am sure you will learn to roll with the punches and advocate to keep him safe. So scary! Glad he is ok!

  5. Oh no! Poor kiddo (and mommy). I am glad this happened at home though instead of somewhere else. He is lucky to have you as his mommy because you sound like you are a great one!

  6. So scary!! Luckily it happened when he was with you and not while he was out somewhere else.. that could have turned into an even scarier situation!

  7. Maggie Anders
    Bless your heart! oh that must have been scary! I can't even imagine. Food allergies are so scary you never know what is lurking around in the ingredients of some foods. Hope everything goes well at the next doctor's appointment.

  8. Wow, that is crazy scary! I'm glad he's okay!

  9. That's quite the scare! I hope everything is alright, and I'm glad you guys found out about this when everyone was there. :)

  10. That's scary. Good that you were able to keep your composure and didn't panic.

  11. oh goodness.. how scary! that it one thing with kids, they always find a way to scare the living crap out of us atleast once.

    glad to see hes okay and on the mend.

  12. poor little guy! this must have given you a real freight, but on the plus side finding out he's allergic to peanuts could be a blessing in disguise <3 *hugs* to your family!

  13. What a nightmare!! I'm glad everything is okay.

  14. That must have been scary, one day at a time it is and I hope every single one of those days is filled with joy and excitement.

  15. Oh, I'm sorry you went through this! My daughter ate some peanut butter when she was one and broke out in hives. I was so scared just from that; I can't imagine if her lips had turned blue.

  16. Cool headed moms are the best! Glad you got your son to the hospital as soon as you knew something was out of the ordinary. My ASD son used to eat lots of weird things (Legos ;) too. Glad he's doing better.

  17. How scary! As someone that's extremely allergic to tree nuts, I know how terrifying the reaction can be. What a strong little boy!

  18. That's such a shame. I'm luckily not allergic to anything and none of my sisters or brother are either. My mum swears it's because our house was always so dusty and dirty when we were younger lol!

    Funnily enough, allergies were on the news this morning. 1 in 3 people have allergies nowadays. Crazy hey?!

    Katie <3

  19. OMG - swallowed a penny? that's insane. I can only imagine how scared you were! Glad it was nothing too major.

  20. omg that is so scary!! so you went to the hospital for the allergy but ended up finding the penny? or was it the other way around that the penny was giving him a bad reaction.

  21. Absolutely terrifying! I cannot imagine what was going through all your heads when you had to rush your little one to the hospital :(

  22. Oh my gosh that is so scary!! Thank gosh he was okay, poor little guy :(

  23. How very scary for you all!. I'm glad he's ok though. I would have been so panicked.

  24. Poor little guy! He sure has been through a lot. I didn't know that you could not be allergic to peanuts, but allergic to every other kind of nut. It's weird how that happens.

  25. Wow, poor little guy! I honestly couldn't imagine how scared I would be to see these things happening in front of my eyes and I am unable to do anything. Glad he was around you and that you acted fast enough.

    Thrifting Diva

  26. Wow! What a terrifying ordeal. That little guy is tough. That's a lot for anyone to go through. I wish you all well as you take it one day at a time...

  27. That much have been terrifying, bless the little man. Hope all is well

  28. Poor baby! Im allergic to coconut and I was about the same age when I discovered. So scary!

  29. Poor kid! Glad he is doing better. My niece has a nut allergy and I remember how scary it was when they found out, too!

  30. Poor kid! I dont have allergies and neither does anyone in my family, but this would be a scary way to find out!

  31. So sad! I can't imagine :( Glad he is ok now! Hang in there mama!

  32. Wow! This is so scary. My youngest gets violently ill whenever he eats seafood. We have never had a traumatic experience like yours though. I'm so glad you know what his allergies are now. I'm sure it's a difficult thing to deal with. Stay strong!

  33. Oh wow... how terrifying! Glad he is okay and that you figured out the culprit!

  34. How scary!! Luckily it's not peanuts though. A good pb&j is so yummy. But that's too bad about all other nuts. At least he was at home with you instead of somewhere else where his reaction might go unnoticed for a long amount of time!

  35. My goodness, that is scary. I'm glad he's ok!

  36. Poor Kid, I've been though that before. I am allergic to Onions. Kinda creepy. Hope he grows out of it.

  37. Oh my goodness that picture is so sad! Poor little guy!

  38. This is terrifying! I'm so glad that the allergists were able to diagnose all of his nut allergies. I'm so glad he's okay!

  39. Nut allergies are no fun. My dad is allergic to most nuts and i think i am developing it because i get a pain n my right upper abdomen when i eat them

  40. I have a nut allergy so I definitely know how scary that can be. Glad he's okay!

  41. How awful! I'm glad everything turned out ok in the end!

  42. How scary! Glad you found out and everything worked out!

  43. How terrifying for all of you! So glad that everything was okay. At least you know now and can be on the look out.

  44. What a scary experience! I'm so glad that he's OK now. It must have been so hard on you not knowing what was happening. And on him also.

  45. This is so scary! So sorry your little guy had to experience that. Allergies are such a big deal and totally agree that you just need to take it one day at a time!! - Ana @MommysBundle

  46. Wow! That is a very scary experience. Allergies to food are the worst. My last three had a milk protein allergy that they all out grew but the only way to find out is when they eat it. I am so happy that all turned out well.
